/Latest Work

Creative direction + Branding + Social content creation + Fashion styling + Film editing + Shoot production + Packaging design + Shoot production and on-set art direction 

+ We collaborated with BMG's latest artist, Zak Abel, to create his brand identity, music videos, and promotional material. This included social assets, posters, merchandise, artwork for his latest album, and singles.


'Love Over Fear' Album design + Website and social teasers + 2023 Tour T-Shirt designs. / Cover Photograph by Mariano Vivanco

'Dance With You' (The Comeback) - Cover art and Social media teaser. / Photographed by Mariano Vivanco. 

'Woman' - Cover art and social media teaser. / Photographed by Mariano Vivanco.

'Dance With You' (The Comeback) - Music Video By Paul Solomons and Dumi Siwo. 

'What Love Is'- Music video directed by Dumi Siwo. / Styling by Paul Solomons

Social animations for 'What Love' Is single release

Single and tour poster artwork


Dance With You Poster artwork 

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© Paul Solomons Studio / 2023